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Latest adventures

NZ Backcountry book launch
December 14, 2015Paul and Rebecca launched their new outdoor cook book in Christchurch to a group of interested cooking enthusiasts on 14 December. This was followed by a live Radio NZ interview with Kathryn Ryan’s Nine to Noon programme – listen to the interview here.

Laksa Noodle Soup
November 19, 2015This is a lovely spicy soup with all the flavours of South East Asia, combined with easy to prepare rice noodles. The dried shrimps are best with a little pre-soaking but otherwise this is a simple and quick soup to make. You can use the selection of spices below or just buy one of those …

Mushroom and Pepper Stir Fry with Noodles
June 1, 2015This is a very simple little stir fry meal from my Fast and Light cook book that serves 2 people and has a dry weight of only 185g, plus noodles. I have used thick egg (Hokkien) noodles, with some interesting background flavours and this makes a pleasant change from other standard pasta dishes. It is …

Cooking on a Wood Stove
April 1, 2015If you are staying in a backcountry hut during your next tramping trip or just want to make better use of your log burner at home, then here are a few tips that you might find helpful. Generally most types of modern wood burning stoves are very effective in providing a steady heat source for …